What Are Workflow Management Rules?


Workflow management rules are the process and policies that govern the way workflows are completed. They define which steps must be completed and when. This lets the process follow the most efficient route. If a company uses a well-organized workflow to automate its most repetitive and predictable tasks, it frees up employees’ time to focus on more strategic projects.

Workflows are offered in various formats that can be used for any project. A sequential workflow, for example is one in which the next task is not able to begin until the previous one is completed. This is typical in workflows for expense management, where reimbursement for employees requires receipts to be submitted and authorization for payment.

A state-machine work flow is an order of actions that is performed on a product in a specific sequence. Every action puts the product to a different state, such as “being completed” or “being written”. Workflows that are state-machine-based can include additional rules, such as the if-this-then-that logic, that determine the process’s course.

Furthermore, parallel workflows contain many steps that can be undertaken in tandem to reach a common objective, for example, processing and mailing a sweater to a client when the company confirms that it’s in stock. All of these can be automated by a workflow program.

With the right workflow management tools it is easy to design and manage processes that are structured to increase productivity, accountability and efficiency. By streamlining communication and making sure that all team members are aware of their roles and responsibilities, and have a clear understanding of their roles, managers can reduce the confusion that leads to deadlines and projects being missed.

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